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Abstract – SNI 03-1974-1990, Added material is material other than the basic constituents of concrete (water, cement, and aggregate) which is added to the concrete mixture. The aims of this study are to find the effect of adding palm fiber (SI) and  nugmet shell toward the concrete charasteristics, and to determine the compressive strength value of concrete characteristics. Varition of fiber (SI) and nugmet shell (CP) addition toward the weight of cement is 0%, 0,25% and 0,5%. This research is a sample-based laboratory research and analysis of aggregate characteristics and concrete compression test. The research results shows that the addition of palm fiber (SI) and nugmet shell (CP) into the concrete mixture affects the compressive strength value of concrete characteristics (fck'). The characteristic compressive strength (fck’) in normal concrete is 66.95 kg / cm2, fck’SI 0.25% concrete sample of 70.32 kg / cm2, SI 0.50% of 66.80 kg / cm2 decreases when compared to normal concrete while the fck 'value of CP 0.25% had increased concrete sample was 80.03 kg / cm2, 0.50% CP of 86.13 kg / cm2. The value of concrete shell compressive strength (CP) was 0.25% and CP 0.50% increased by 16.34% and 22.26% at the age of 28 days.



Normal Concrete, SI, CP, Characteristics Compressive Strength (fck’)

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