Analisa Numerik Seakeeping Kapal Cepat Rudal Pada Kondisi Gelombang Ekstrem

yuniati yuniati, Nurman Firdaus


The ability to maneuver a ship (seakeeping) is one of the important aspects of a ship. This relates to the movement of the ship which is a response to external forces acting on the ship. For fast ships, the movement caused will greatly affect the comfort (seasickness) of the crew, and also affect the safety of the ship. The ship's motion was analyzed to show the heaving, rolling and pitching motion of the ship at speed = 28 knots at full load and half load conditions from various angles of wave entry and wave height. From the results of the seakeeping numerical analysis, it is known that the ship's response to extreme wave conditions is at sea state 5 in full load conditions, the highest heave movement occurs in the wave direction of 135° with a wave height of 4 meters, which is 1.06425 meters, the highest roll movement occurs in wave direction is 90° with a wave height of 3.25 meters which is 6.883°, and the highest pitch movement occurs at wave direction 0° with a wave height of 4 meters which is 2.27075°


Seakeeping; fast ship; full load; extreme waves

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