Rancang Bangun Alat Ukur Multifungsi 5 In 1 (Altimeter, TDS Meter, Soil Moisture Meter, Termometer, Barometer) Digital Portabel Berbasis Arduino Nano

Hajijah Yusra Sihotang, Marzuarman Marzuarman, Hikmatul Amri


Technological advances in instrumentation are developing rapidly. Various types of technology have been created to make it easier for humans to do their jobs. As one of the developing technologies is technology in the field of measurement. Therefore, a 5 IN 1 multifunction measuring instrument (Altimeter, TDS meter, Soil Moisture meter, Thermometer, and Barometer) digital portable was designed. This tool can measure altitude, solids in water volume, soil pressure, temperature and air pressure in one multifunctional measuring instrument. This measuring instrument will be designed using a BMP280 sensor, a TDS sensor, and an Arduino Nano-based soil moisture sensor. The tool works automatically in response to how much the measurement value is detected by the sensor used. The Arduino Nano then processes and provides a pre-programmed output. The measurement results are then displayed on the LCD. Based on the test results, it is found that the difference between the values of the measuring instruments made is close to the values of the standard measuring instruments so that the reading accuracy level of each sensor functions well and has a high level of accuracy. In the measurement of the BMP280 sensor for altitude measurements, an average accuracy rate of 98.6% is obtained, for air pressure measurements an average accuracy rate of 99% is obtained, for temperature testing an average accuracy rate of 96% is obtained. Meanwhile, the TDS test produces an average accuracy rate of 94.6%. For testing the soil moisture sensor, it produces an average accuracy rate of 95.1%.


Altimeter; TDS Meter; Soil Moisture Meter; Thermometer; Barometer

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